Salutogenesis-Oriented Solutions to Youth Suicide
Events for Youth and Caregivers
Decrease Suicide Risk
Increase Perception of Life Purpose
and Belonging

Caregivers and Communities Learn to Lead
Salutogenesis - Oriented - Solutions (SOS) to address
high suicide risk in youth and increase
perception of their life purpose and belonging.
SOS Youth Seminar - Retreat:
Behavioral Mental Health Culture Diplomacy
Calling All Who Care!
Two-Day Interactive Seminar with Cultural Immersion
15 CE hrs* for APRNs/Nurses - Information Below
9 AM - 5 PM Each Day
Precision Self-Care Support
Registration Includes: Precision Self-care for Nurses: The Elements of Care Program for Beating Burnout.

Partner with Your Communities
Find Solutions to Youth Suicide and Their Perceptions of Lack of Belonging and Life Purpose
Lead Salutogenesis - Oriented - Solutions (SOS) to address high suicide risk and increase perceptions of belonging among youth = Third Leading Cause of Death.
SOS-Youth Seminar and Self-care Support engages a unique health culture diplomacy approach to community mental healthcare
Led by Advanced Practice Nurses.
Suicide Screening is NOT enough!
Helping Youth Discover Their Life Purpose, Meaning, and a Sense of Belonging Is the Focus of this Seminar

What is the SOS-Youth Collaboration?
SOS - Youth, a collaboration between Golden Apple Healing Arts, The Peace 360 Initiative, Healthcare Environment, and the Wauwatosa Woman’s Club provides educational programs and precision Self-care support for those who would find solutions that address the high suicide risk in youth and increase their perception of life purpose and belonging.

SOS-YOUTH Partners
SOS-Youth Seminar - Retreat Details
Engaging 2 Day Seminar Retreat Experience (Available Virtual and Onsite)
Nurses: 15 Contact Hours (See Below)
9AM - 5 PM (with Lunch and Comfort Breaks)
Face to Face Option: Lunch / Afternoon Tea
Cultural Immersion in Flavors from a Variety of Cuisines!
Interactive skill-building activities
Explore salutogenesis-oriented-solutions (SOS)
Health Culture Diplomacy Approach - Experience a variety of health beliefs, traditions, and practices
Solution-focused communication "Pearls" to use in de-escalation and community building
Precision Self-Care Support
Free Copy of Gentle Medicine for Balance in Body and Peace of Mind: The Elements of Care Program
REQUEST Copy of Seminar Topics and Goals (Included in Resource and Information Packet Given at Seminar)
Support Youth and Families to Build Resilience and Life Purpose
Design A Community Partnership Plan
Ongoing Clinical Supervision with Precision Self-care Support Available - Groups or Individual
Your Host and Lead Faculty: Dr. Martha Mathews Libster
Interdisciplinary Faculty including Christine Kirkman MSN, RN, CPNP, our Pediatric Nurse Practitioner consultant for the SOS-Youth program.

What is Salutogenesis?
The study of the factors that cause disease. Separates health and illness. Biomedical Model used by patients and practitioners alike
Pathologize = Curative Focus
The Study of the origins (genesis) of human health (salus). Salutogenic
Model concerned with the relationship between health, stress, and
coping. Resources help adaptation to psychosocial stressors with
meaningfulness (participation, belonging, opportunity in work and
service). Focuses on coherence and the role of stress in human functioning.
Salutogenesis = Health Promotion Plus Health Patterns
Continuing Education Hours for APRN and RN Leaders
*Continuing Education (APRNs) This activity is approved for 15.0 contact hour(s) of continuing education (which includes 0 hour(s) of pharmacology) by the American Association of Nurse Practitioners®. Activity ID# 24046617. This activity was planned in accordance with AANP Accreditation Standards and Policies.
*Continuing Education (RNs) This nursing continuing professional development activity was approved for 15 contact hours by the Wisconsin Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.