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For Authors

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Please use the following template to create your book proposal for us. We must have this information to begin the review process. Thank you for understanding.


Template: Nonfiction Book Proposal


I. Overview

Describe your book in two or three paragraphs (500 words or less). What is the proposed title and subtitle? Who is the target audience and what makes your book unique and worthwhile for them? How does your book fit with our publishing company description? (See website) Think of this as what you would say if you were interviewed on the nightly news for 1 minute! 


II. Target Audience

Who is your core audience, the most likely purchasers of this book? What do you know about the market? What will other readers also be interested?


III. About the Author

Your credentials and experience. What makes you uniquely qualified to write and promote this book? What other media outlets do you regularly appear in?


IV. Competitive Titles

List and summarize the major competitive titles and explain why they have been successful and why yours is different from each of the previous titles.


V. Marketing and Promotion

What is your comprehensive plan to actively promote the book? Where should publicity be focused? What are the journals and other media outlets that your target audience pays attention to? Where should you and your publisher work especially hard to get the book reviewed?


Blurbs: Who would be willing to contribute a blurb to promote your book? Can you get their commitment before the manuscript is completed?


Media and Speaking Appearances: Does this book or your prior experience give you credentials to speak on any current topics in the media? What are the topics and target outlets? What types of groups and organizations would be interested in having you speak to them?


Serialization: What parts of your book lend themselves to excerpting in journals? 


Describe additional promotional opportunities you will pursue. Organizational connections? Mailing lists? Workshops? Tours? Does the book have series potential? Related products? Think creatively and think big.


VI. Detailed Table of Contents

Include the full Table of Contents (TOC), with a summary of each chapter. This section could be anywhere from three to 20 pages - it needs to give a comprehensive, detailed map of what the book will contain.


VII. Sample Chapters

Include a sample chapter that offers an accurate sense of the style, substance, and structure of the book. It is not necessary to provide the introduction if your TOC has the necessary detail.


VII. Format

Submit your proposal in MS Word, double-spaced, Times New Roman pt 12. Email your proposal as an attachment to


Thank you for your interest in Golden Apple Publications.

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