"Nurse-Herbalists partner with plants to explore the clinical applications of providing human comfort with plants as a catalyst for change. They are guided by principles and practices from science and the healing arts, demonstrating their commitment to providing counseling and care that flows from the center of a living ethic."
~ Martha M. Libster ~
The Nurse-Herbalist: Integrative Insights for Holistic Practice
Nurse-Herbalists are dedicated to restoring nursing practice to its historical roots in salutogenic, holistic, integrative care and precision Self-care with plants as partners.
Nurse-Herbalist Books and Resources Written by Nurses for Nurses!
The Self-Care League - dedicated to salutogenesis nursing care and promoting balance in body and peace of mind.
~ Welcome Back to the Green World ~

Foot Reflexology with Herbal Stress Relief - Science of Energy Flow®
Nurse-Herbalism specializes in herbal topical applications - even to the feet!
Unique use of Essential Oils
Rooted in the 5 Elements of Care
25 Techniques Foot Reflexology Stress Relief
Herbal Foot Wraps for Whole Body Pain Relief
Nurse-Herbalism and Herbal Diplomacy

PODCAST - Kelsie Eckert of the Remedial Herstory Project interviews award-winning historian Dr. Martha Libster to discuss how nurses led healthcare reforms in the 19th century. She asks, "Did institutionalizing and deinstitutionalizing of healthcare make it safer?"